If you download games, expect to set aside some time to download 50 GB of content before installing it. PS4 fans need not despair; they have a few options to deal with the relative dearth of space. Find lost games which you lost on PS4 hard drive; Re-download lost games one by one to PS4 local storage - PS4 hard drive again; If you have PS4 game CDs, you can also restore lost games from the game CDs. Recover lost PS4 game files from PS4 hard drive. Another alternative method for you is to try file recovery software for help. PS4 FREE Games: PlayStation Plus fans can download this amazing free game today (Pic: SONY). This week Sony fans are being treated to a free download on PlayStation 4. If you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber you might be aware you can download certain games for free at various times. To perform a Remote Download, you must have Automatic Update s switched on. On the Order Confirmation page or the Download List on PlayStation Store, select [Download to your PS4] next to the title you want to download. If Play as you Download is available, select which part of the game.
Does it seem like the download speeds on your PlayStation 4 are taking forever? It’s not just you!
Juho Snellman, a systems programmer from Switzerland, has taken the time to describe why PS4 downloads slow down for various reasons. You can read his full post for the technical details, but we’ll discuss the biggest cause here.
In short, having applications open on your PS4 will cause the download speed to drop dramatically. Even if your PS4 is on a wired connection9 Quick Ways to Instantly Speed up Your Home PC Network9 Quick Ways to Instantly Speed up Your Home PC NetworkIf you have a wired or wireless home network, chances are you'll be looking for ways to optimise it so that it is running as fast as possible.Read More, having a game or media app like Netflix open will cause download speeds on the PlayStation Store to slow to a crawl. This applies to both new games you’ve bought as well as updates for existing games.
How To Download One Game At A Time On Ps4
To close open apps, press and hold the PS Button on your controller to open the Quick Access Menu. Look at the top of this list for Close Application. Select this option, and you’ll have the chance to close any open apps. If you’re playing a game, chances are that the only app open is your game. But if you use Spotify to listen to music while you play, that will be open too.
Say you start playing Battlefield 1 online and there’s an update for Uncharted 4 that starts. While you’re playing the game, the download will take forever. This makes sense, because the system wants to prioritize the game you’re playing over a background download.
Download Game Onet
If you want the download to finish quickly, your best bet is to close all apps and put the system in Rest mode. But make sure you don’t put it in Rest mode with a game open, or it will keep that open and still throttle the download.
For massive downloads, you might consider doing a system reboot to ensure all open apps are closed. Open Quick Access and select Power > Restart PS4. After a reboot, leave your system alone and it should download speedily.
If your PC download speeds are bad too, take a look at how to optimize thoseHow to Optimize Steam's Download Speeds in Windows 10How to Optimize Steam's Download Speeds in Windows 10Steam regularly releases games for peanuts. A Steam purchase, however, is only half the battle. You'll have to download these games too. We'll show you how to speed up Steam downloads.Read More.
Do you have problems with your PS4’s download speed? Does closing apps work for you? Tell us your experience in the comments!
Image Credit: alexmillos via Shutterstock.com
Explore more about: Download Management, PlayStation 4, Troubleshooting.
This actually worked for me. I understand why but I didn't realize it would have that much of a difference. Thank you

So I went and got Spider-Man on a disc, and it has been installing super slow. It’s been going on for quite a while now, and it still under 50%. And the time just keeps going up. It started at 35 minuets, and is up to over 100 minutes right now. The first 13-14GBs download pretty fast, but then it slows way down at around 15GBs.
Time To Download Game On Ps4 One
I've already done the rebuild database thing, I've deleted the game, and took out the disc, and started the install again a couple times, one of the times first times I tried to install the game, I walked away for about 30 minutes, came back something happened while I was gone, because it completely stopped at some point, like it had never been downloading. I tried to click on it, and nothing was happening. And the progress bar wasn’t even filled up at all. I went to notifications and there was nothing. So I took the disc out and put it back in and it restarted the install again.
I installed Detroit: Become Human from a disc a few months ago, and it didn't take nearly this long to install.
And there is over 150GB of free space on my PS4.
So How can I fix this? How can I make it go faster? It's installing at like .010 GB every 10-15 seconds after it gets to the 15GB part of the install. Before then, it is much faster.
Edit: At around 23.3 GB the install speed finally picked back up to where it was for the first 13-14 GB. Yay! So between the 15-23 GB, it took about 2 hours to install that much.