Then “Calculate Till Mate” is the dream chess course that will take you there! “Calculate Till Mate” is a complete and unique 3-in-1 training system that will sharpen your tactics, calculation, and visualization skills like no other chess book, DVD, or training program could.
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- And if that sounds like a good deal to you, then my BRAND-NEW course – “CALCULATE TILL MATE” is for you! No fluff and no hype – “CALCULATE TILL MATE” is a COMPLETE and UNIQUE 3-in-1 training system that will sharpen your tactics, calculation, and visualization skills like no other chess book, DVD, or training program would.
How a World Champion gets defeated by a new challenger? One explanation is that due to age or health factor, the reigning champion has not been able to give his best. But another explanation is that in the process of challenging (rise of career and then candidates matches), the new challenger comes up with a new thinking system of his own ahead of existing systems (at least in some aspects) and yet not well analyzed giving current champion a surprise. But if the reigning champion is able to re-invent himself by developing altogether new thinking system or repair faults (if any) in his previous system, he is the one who offers a surprise and saves his kingdom (few such examples are Alekhine, Botvinnik, Kasparpov & Anand). Chess provides huge innovation opportunities and even present day fastest computers are not able to explore it fully. As per Quantum Computing pioneer Dr. David Deutsch, even quantum computers (which are the fastest computers but at concept stage only as on today) will not be able to solve the game of chess because of the branching ability of chess algorithms. So, we will be able to enjoy the games of chess tournaments for many more decades to come.
Most of the chess players who are or have been at the top of the world invented their own thinking systems which were ahead of their time. This blog has been created to discuss those chess thinking systems developed till date particularly [in the chronological time of evolution and not accuracy] : (Please click the top twenty-two hyperlinks to see details. Others will be activated soon - Step by Step.)
5. Capablanca System
6. Alekhine System
7. Euwe System
6. Alekhine System
7. Euwe System
8. Botvinnik System
9. Lipnitsky System
10. Smyslov System
11. Tal System
12. Petrosian System
13. Spassky System
14. Reshevsky System
15. Fischer System
16. Karpov System
9. Lipnitsky System
10. Smyslov System
11. Tal System
12. Petrosian System
13. Spassky System
14. Reshevsky System
15. Fischer System
16. Karpov System
17. Kasparov System
18. Kramnik System
19. Topalov System
18. Kramnik System
19. Topalov System
21. Carlsen System
22. Anand Vs Carlsen
23. Smirnov System
22. Anand Vs Carlsen
23. Smirnov System
24. Computers - Rybka, Fire & Houdini Systems
25. Applying mathematics to chess
26. The Grand Synthesis25. Applying mathematics to chess
Systems before Steinitz
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1a. Queen Vs Pawn Endgames Demo
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A new Strong Opening Line for white against Sicilian Defence (Part -2)
A Strong Opening Surprise by White 1.b3
A new Strong Opening Line for white against Sicilian Defence (Part -2)
A Strong Opening Surprise by White 1.b3
Click this link to get the part 1 of this video named 'Your Secret Weapon b3'
How to Plan and Execute in Chess
Breaking Stereotypes-1
(How to tackle White's Bg5, Bb5 and Black's Bg4, Bb4 to get winning advantage?)
Breaking Stereotypes-2
(Taking advantage of common BxNf6 type exchanges)
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Breaking Stereotypes-3(Handling h file attacks with g7 bishop and counter-attack)

(The most common stereotype - whether to exchange opponent's fianchettoed bishop or not and how to take advantage if opponent has exchanged ours)
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GM Igor Smirnov, present ICC Blitz Rating 3091 (best 3212) with ID Charodej shares his blitz chess secrets
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