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The Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training Program utilizes plyometric training to maximize your chances of an increased jump. Included in the Vert Shock is a unique and comprehensive vertical jump workout designed to shock one’s nervous system into making their jumps go higher and with greater speed. Tag Archives: Folker System Vert Shock EBOOK FREE DOWNLOAD Folker System Vert Shock Many professional athletes and amateurs meet the problem of increasing the power performance.
If you’re looking for a way to increase your vertical, these are the best exercises to jump higher. There’s not going around it, you need to put in the work yourself. Because no one else will or can do it for you.
Being able to jump high isn’t just about slapping together a workout or getting special pair of shoes and results happen. It takes time and effort, but more importantly choosing the right exercises and doing the proper workouts.
When looking at the biomechanics of the jump, anyone can tell you that working the legs is what’s needed. This is true, after all jumping comes from the legs and is a measurement of the power they can deliver.
Vert Shock is a proven, step-by-step program, guidance and support based on hard science, years of undeniable proof and sound training principles. Then you will be jumping higher than ever before, simple as that. Jun 26, 2017 The duration of the entire vert shock training program is almost 8 weeks. At the end of the first week, you can learn to jump 3 to 5 inches higher. At the end of the first week, you can learn to jump 3 to 5 inches higher. Based on my impressions of the Vert Shock program. Below the video there is information and downloads that are to be used as instructed. Vert Shock Exercises. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Vert Shock program can easily be done at home. Unlike similar vertical jumping programs the weight room is not a requirement. Vert Shock free download ebook and EXTRA bonus! The Vert Shock free download will give exactly what it promises – “4 inches to your vertical in an hour”. We decided to test the super easy strategies presented by Adam Folker in his free Vert Shock pdf.
But there is more to it.
Because the human body works as a whole, the whole body needs to be able to work as a unit in order to get the highest jump possible.
This is why the exercises below cover different body parts.
Top Exercises to Increase Vertical Jump
1. Back Squat
When it comes to developing leg power, the back squat is the best exercises for the job. Doing the back squat requires loading a barbell on your shoulders, bending your knees and using the power of your legs to push you and the weight on your shoulders back up.
Studies have shown that intermediate athletes who were put on a squat training program of twice a week showed increase in the peak height of their jump and also in their sprint running speed.
Always remember that it is important to learn proper squatting technique before moving on to heavier loads.
2. Deadlift
Another very powerful exercise for anyone looking to increase their vertical leap is the barbell deadlift. Like the back squat, it is essential to take the time out the learn proper lifting technique with this exercise because the back is involved.
While the squat puts more focus on the quads (front of the thighs), the deadlift works the entire posterior chain (the back side). The posterior chain is made up of the lower back muscles, the glutes (butt), hamstrings and calves.
The deadlift exercises works all those and just as importantly trains hip extension which plays a big part in the jumping motion.
The pulling motion of the deadlift also works the back muscles which help prevent back injuries that sidelines a lot of high jumpers.
3. Leg Curls
Many trainers often prefer using free weights instead of machines because it trains their athletes to lift and balance the weight. Using the leg curl machine is one of the best ways to isolate the hamstring muscles.
Hamstrings are among the most important muscles to strengthen if you plan of increasing your vertical leap. It provides that pushing power off the floor and that extra spring and explosiveness we all want to have.
An additional benefit of training the hamstrings is it improves sprint speed. Something that helps with quickness and getting out on the fast break.
4. Glute Ham Raise
One of the lesser known exercises that many athletes try to avoid is the glute ham raise. You can do this using a machine in the gym or without one.
If your gym doesn’t have the machine, just ask a partner to hold down your legs so that you can recline and come back up.
The glute ham raise or GHR, works the entire posterior chain including the lower back and hamstrings. It is a difficult exercises which is why many people skip it or just opt to use the leg curl machine.
The benefits of doing it is that is allows you to focus on the posterior chain with one single exercise. It also makes them work together.
5. Barbell Lunges
You can perform lunges with barbells or dumbbells.
The difference between the two is that the barbell rests on your shoulders so you bear the brunt of the entire weight. With dumbbells, you hold the weight on your hands. So the arms take off some of the weight.
Lunges are a one legged version of the squat. So while the squat works both legs at a time (bilateral), the lunge works one leg a time.
For a jumper it is important to be able to take off and jump high with two feet as well as one foot. After all there are times when you can jump with both legs, like during rebounding, and other times, with off one leg, like during lay-ups.
6. Split Squat
Split squats are an advanced version of the lunge. In this exercise one leg is raised to the back (often resting on a bench behind you).
This makes the exercise more challenging as the front leg is forced to both push you and the weight back up as well as keep you balanced.
This exercise is often called the Bulgarian Split Squat also. It mainly works the quads (front thighs), but also trains the butt and hamstrings to a lesser extent.
The position of the split squat also allows you to stretch the hip flexors which are often very tight in most athletes. Having extra flexibility in the hip flexors play a big part in adding inches to your jump.
7. Calf Raises
Calf raises work the lower part of the leg, namely the calves.
While the prime movers of the jumping motion are the quads and the muscles of the posterior chain, there is one small muscle group that makes a good contribution to jumping ability, the calves.
The exercises above help build the big muscles. To maximize your jumping potential, you also need to work on the minor muscles which are the calves.
Calf raises help strengthen the calves as well as the ankles and toes. Having strong ankles prevent injuries while the toes allow for a good take off and push.
Training with calf raises provide an extra benefit in that during the situations when you need to jump up quickly like in a second or third jump when you don’t have time for bending at the knee, you’ll still be able to go up high enough to contest for the ball.
8. Romanian Deadlift
This variety of the deadlift works both the glutes and hamstring muscles and to a certain degree the lower back. It also trains the hip hinge as well as being able to spring back up using your hamstrings.
The movement used in the Romanian deadlift helps strengthen the power that comes from the hips and being able to transfer it to your jump.
Putting the Exercises Together into a Jump Workout

Just as important as knowing what the exercises for jumping higher are is how to put them together into an effective training program.
- Knowing how many reps and sets to do and in what order as well as how many times a week to do them is the difference between getting no results or overtraining, and getting significant increases in your jump height.
One way to skip the headaches in trying to figure this out ourselves is to use proven jump training programs. Since they’ve tried and tested them for us, and have proven track record of results, all we have to do is follow them.
Our two favorite jump training programs are:
- the Vert Shock (shorter program, less training needed, no weights required), and also
- the Jump Manual (all-around training).
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Furthermore, If you’re considering Vert Shock by Adam Folker but you still wonder if this program is really increase your vertical jump. Possibly you’ve go through review of this jump training program from different sites but you still have doubts.
However this review site isn’t like many ones you look over before. This is because
I provide all the fact about this program regardless Vert Shock is really work or just scam. I feel every consumer need to know about Adam Folker’s Vert Shock e-book and complete guide to see if it genuinely enables them to achieve their goal. And the most essential thing is that I do not want people who curious about Vert Shock are victims of the fake negative reviews through the rip-off sites.
This means, I have covered crucial aspects of the eBook as well as what precisely the main principle that works behind the program. So that you will see what vertical jump is all about, what you will find inside, how the program deliver you amazing jump high, which the main pros and cons of Adam Folker’s program are.
I believe after reading this review all your questions regarding this program will disappear and you’ll be ready to finalize your decision.
Like always, our review will be divided into three major parts:
1. The basics section that will goes over the most important things that Adam Folker offers inside the book.
2. The advantages and disadvantages section where you will discover the main advantages and disadvantages of Vert Shock.
3. The conclusions part in which we talk about our final thoughts and also ideas in regard to Vert Shock.
Let’s begin with the basics of this book and understand better what you will find inside.
In simple words, “Vert Shock” is often a complete vertical leap training system that has been made to help both non-athletic and athletic people add another 9 to fifteen inches of height to their vertical leap for only 8 weeks.
The Vert Shock program was created with the Canadian professional basketball player Adam Folker and award-winning slam dunk artist Justin Darlington, who explain that their program will depend on 3 major phases.
In a nutshell, are mainly the most important goals of every one of the phases:
First Phase: Pre Shock Phase (Seven days long)
The main goal of the initial phase is usually to ready your body to the second phase. During this period you will also improve your vertical by approximately 3 to 5 inches.
Second Phase: Shock Phase (About six weeks long)
The second phase is the core in the Vert Shock program. During this phase you will end up “surprising” your nervous system to be able to assist you to improve your vertical jump significantly.
Third Phase: Post Shock Phase (Seven days long)
A final phase makes it possible to permanently record to your “muscle memory” whatever you learned within this program’s third and fourth phases, to help you keep maintain your results.
Based on Justin and Adam, exactly why the Vert Shock Program really is unique from all kinds of other vertical leap training programs is a result of the reality that users aren’t over-trained. Instead, they explain that ground-breaking workouts are used, which target your Type II muscles especially in order to boost your vertical by a few more inches.
Additionally, plyometric training, the industry kind of jump training, is additionally found in the Vert Shock Program to increase the ability and explosiveness of your respective muscles. (To build up your force, power and speed, your fast twitch muscle fibers or Type II B muscles, are tapped).
In order to make the whole program much easier to follow, Justin Darlington and Adam Folker explain which they decided to divide the Vert Shock system into several components. Included in this are a quick-start guide, “vert tracker”, step-by-step exercise videos and employ plans per with the three phases, and the like.
It is usually crucial that you say that as well as the major aspects of the Vert Shock program, 4 bonus merchandise is also supplied by Justin Darlington and Adam Folker:
“Dirty Techniques for Jumping Higher” – this quick report shares five secrets from Justin on the way to raise your jump by Two to five inches in a short time.
“4 Vertical Jump Killers” – You can find 4 major issues that can prevent you from to be able to jump higher. This informative guide will reveal this stuff to you.
“The Jumpers Diet Checklist” – You’re furnished with a whole listing of foods to nibble on along with those to avoid within this guide.
“Email Weekly Check-Ins” – These weekly emails will help you improve your results while increasing your consistency by instructing you proven psychological techniques.
The Pros
Most people Can Use It
What exactly is so beautiful relating to this training program is always that almost everyone will use it. You don’t must be tall, athletic, a top jumper or basketball professional so that you can succeed with the Vert Shock Program. Actually, un-athletic individuals and those that haven’t ever dunked a basketball before are the type that will increase their vertical the most with the program.
This program Doesn’t Have a Considerable amount of time
Will be your schedule really hectic? Well, you don’t apprehensive. Justin Darlington and Adam Folker have taken steps that the Vert Shock Program accommodates those who are busy. Basically, you simply need to spend One hour for your program 4x a week.
The world thinks that when you want to increase your vertical, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding the time for you to invest in this method.
The Authors With the Program Have Impressive Qualifications And they are Credible
Vert Shock Program Review
The Vert Shock training program continues to be created by two people who have expert knowledge and professional qualifications for basketball in general and dunking specifically.
The Canadian Adam Folker can be a 6’9? forward who formerly played for UC Irving and today is really a professional basketball player.
Justin Darlington (or ‘Jus Fly’) is a track and field athlete that won several slam dunk contests. Now Justin is a member of a highly skilled and popular number of traveling slam dunk artists referred to as the “Team Flight Brothers”.
In simple words, the credentials and expertise of these two guys mean that you’ll be able to feel certain if the recommendation you will see in the Vert Shock program is beneficial and safe to check out.
The Videos Ensure it is Straightforward And Perform Exercises
The videos provided by Adam Folker and Justin Darlington are very helpful and earn it quite easy for folks to understand the way to perform exercises correctly in order that it is all totally done the actual way it should be.
As soon as you find the program, you’ll be given accessibility to video library, which includes over 35 HD video lessons inside it. These videos are posted from the members’ only area about the Vert Shock Program’s website.

We’ve got to admit how the company’s videos really impressed us and yes it eliminates each of the guesswork with regards to performing the exercises properly.
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Expensive Exercise Equipment Is just not Needed
Another aspect of the Vert Shock program we enjoy is always that it can be followed wherever you would like to. For instance, it can be followed in the open field along with your only exercise tool as being a bench or box, so you absolutely don’t have to purchase an expensive fitness machine or pay expensive gym members’ fees with this program.
Inside our opinion, it is a big benefit, and it’ll absolutely help save plenty of cash.
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You can attempt It Risk-Free For just two Months
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Justin Darlington and Adam Folker give you a decent guarantee for his or her Vert Shock program and explain if you followed the program for Sixty days and honestly feel that it didn’t provide the promised results, they are going to provide you with a money back refund.
Considering that two months is all you should finish pursuing the 3 phases of the program, we feel that you have you win when giving the Vert Shock program a go.
The negatives
Dedication And difficult Work Are Necessary
The Vert Shock program isn’t a quick fix at all. You simply must focus on towards the program for your 2 months and break a sweat in order to achieve maximum results.
Furthermore, you should remember which everybody folks has different abilities, knowning that means quite a few users will get results faster than others.
You have to be Careful Which you Don’t Over-Train
We presume any time after this program, many people will attempt doing everything too rapidly. That is just what you have to avoid, since over-training really can have a very negative impact and cause muscle strains.
Inside the Vert Shock Program’s members only area, you’ll find schedules that could be printed out. Be sure you follow these so that you can don’t over-train.
Online Course Only
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This program’s materials – the checklists, daily printable schedules, 35+ video tutorials and bonuses – might be accessed only using the official website from the Vert Shock Program. When you have an inadequate Net connection or prefer gaining knowledge from physical DVDs, then this format might be a drawback to suit your needs.
As with all vertical jump programs, “Vert Shock” has its own pros and cons, and it is not the perfect choice for all of us. However, the point that Adam Folker offers a 100% refund guarantee for this program allows you to try complete Vert Shock which has no risk, something that various other well-known authors just don’t provide.
In my opinion, we really like this program simply because it provides easy to follow step-by-step guidance as well as videos that show you exactly how to do the exercises so you can get explosive results. More importantly, it really helps me improve my vertical jump and my explosive athletic abilities, regardless of the sport you play. This is the perfect program for sportsman like me.
Consequently, we’ll highly recommend any person who is looking for a simple program which will help you to be fast, strong, and have a high jump, to give the “Vert Shock” system trying.
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Finally, for some reason if you won’t be satisfied with what you get inside the package or with the final results you achieve, then you can definitely always benefit from the 60-day money-back guarantee that Adam Folker provides.